Call 0141 378 2485 or email to arrange your free health check! Limited Time Offer - Free IT Health Check Cyber Security @STRATiiS_Ltd Stratiis Ltd Stratiis Ltd 9 out of 10 computer networks have potentially serious IT problems sitting undetected As a leading provider of Technology Services, we would like to offer you a no-obligation health assessment of your computer network and business technology. Benefits of our unique process: No software installed, so no one needs to know, including your current IT service provider. No agents or probes living on your network for days, weeks, or longer. An average, mid-sized network is scanned quickly, taking just 30 minutes to get the job done. This limited offer includes our client risk report which provides an overview of the devices on your network, a network risk score and analysis of each potential issue we uncover. This report is yours to keep and we will review this with you and answer any questions you may have. | 0845 644 0771